Breadcrumbs 2021




Where this nomadic mind wanders, I can only say, I can only write,

And you can only discern to the reaches of your frame of reference.


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You may have heard what someone was saying,

But how closely were you really listening?

How closely were you really engaging?

How accurately were you really interpreting?

How broad, how wide, how deep, is your frame of reference?


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What translation can ever fully grasp the scribe’s vision,

And the frame of reference from which it was dictated?


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A frame of reference is a stew, a blend, a fusion, a union, a brew, a mélange,

A double-double-toil-and-trouble-fire-burn-and-caldron-bubble,

That the fate, the destiny, the kismet, the nature-nurture,

Has through happenstance-happenchance,

In imagination played.


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If you could travel back in space-time to a variety of life events, would you see them the same?

Would they seem fairly similar to your vague memories, or be almost entirely rewritten?

And how different would they be if you were to re-watch them every decade or so?

Memory being what it is, frame of reference being what it is, chances are good,

That your perspective, your assessment, might well be different each and every time.


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The incessant recording the inner voice plays over and over in your mind

Is the conditioning of your frame of reference, your nature-nurture programming.

Naught but an algorithm born of genetic design … nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


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Everything is unequivocally relative to everything else.

Every mind-body, every frame of reference is a universe unto its Self.

No two are ever alike, and none will ever envision any other’s but through their own.





Any translation is an outcome of the translator’s frame of reference.


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Frame of reference, rolodex of reference.





What translation can ever fully grasp the scribe’s vision,

And the frame of reference from which it was dictated?


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Where this nomadic mind wanders, I can only say, I can only write,

And you can only discern to the reaches of your frame of reference.