Self-imagery can be a huge stumbling block.
How you discern another, how another discerns you,
Depends very much on how your frames of reference interface,
And there is really nada-nada either of you can do about it,
Except perhaps somehow remain in total detachment,
Which works for about thirteen seconds, at best.
* * * *
The entire human paradigm is nothing more than stories born of imagination.
Your story is but a collage of perceptions, all founded on a fabricated frame of reference.
The only story you need to end, is your own; without a story, the incessant inner narration falls silent.
You must let it go, as if it never happened, if You wish to be the eternity You are.
One does not need to forever pretend something that is not real.
Without the story, what is a given moment?
* * * *
Resign yourself to the fact that you will likely decline and fall with a very long list,
Of books and movies and music and whatever, unwatched and unread and unheard and unknown.
The cruel reality is that the most anyone can hope to achieve in this dreamtime mystery,
Is a hearty statistical sample, in whatever frame of reference fate allows.
* * * *
What would you have done with your existence, if you were rich beyond rich?
What would you have done with your existence, if you were poor beyond poor?
Who, what, where, when, why, how, are all relative frames of imaginary reference.
Stars twinkle, suns shine, worlds spin, all the same one, each and every eternal moment.
No matter the seed cast by natural selection, the awareness fills all equally, all indifferently.
* * * *
The world we as a species have fashioned –
Overpopulated, full of violence, poisoned in every way imaginable –
Is not the one for which the hunter-gatherer was designed, and many are suffering for it,
Because their nature-nurture, their frame of reference, does not have what it takes to acclimate.
The rules of the quantum matrix are ever the same, and the nightmare is only just getting underway.
* * * *
Any translator bent on accurate translation,
Requires the wit to ever-expand beyond his limits,
Into whatever frame of reference is posed for translation.
Achieving the most accurate renditions require an earnest diligence,
An inherent integrity, an innate veracity, an intrinsic rightness,
Which who knows, how many, or how few, possess.
* * * *
Every mind has a frame of reference to which it clings.
Science may be more rational and exacting and articulate,
But it is no less a belief system than any other belief system.
Is it even possible to discern and function in absolute relativity?
* * * *
So many people just do not have a big enough picture, a big enough frame of reference,
To comprehend the shit-show that is coming at them.
So it goes.
* * * *
You can only know, you can only draw on, whatever you have experienced,
And how those perceptions spin into relevance of the frame-of-reference variety.
* * * *
Everything you experience is translated by your given nature-nurture frame of reference.
And no matter how diligently you work to expand it, it is ever delineated by its limitations.
* * * *
All the human beings you have known as friends and family;
As lovers, acquaintances, coworkers, strangers, adversaries, enemies,
Have all, each and every one, wrought the frame of reference, of the witness,
The mind, the awareness, the Self, that has chanced upon this aphorism.
* * * *
Each and every moment, each and every perception of your existence,
Is a translation, a rendition, an epiphany, a revelation, an insight,
That is continually incorporated into your frame of reference.
The pattern you are, the part you play, was scripted from the get-go.
You can only know your own frame of reference.
And that is but a paltry speck, of all that imagination has created,
To distract (and perchance amuse) the fickle awareness, the source of all eternity,
In any given right-here-right-now, unborn-undying moment,
From its ever-present, blissful quietude.
* * * *
What you call your life is really nothing more,
Than an ethereal array of chemically-induced perceptions.
A frame of reference, from which imagination gauges a quantum illusion,
Born of merely five senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch –
Plugged into a gooey vat of neurons, encased in a skull.
Assumptions beyond counting, are requisite.
Keeps imagination very busy, indeed.
* * * *
Nature-nurture frames every mind to play out one dream-identity or another.
In discerning this truth, the secular mind can be recalibrated,
Into the eternal mind, into the eternal life.
Eternal freedom is an ageless walkabout unto thy Self.
* * * *
It is but a world-wide collusion of imagination.
Every mind a unique spin of its nature-nurtured frame of reference.
All hypnotized, all mesmerized, by a dreamtime reality, only the rarest minds can discern,
And even they are swept up in this delusional, Shakespearian, théâtre absurde.
This whirling-twirling pale blue dot, upon which all are marooned.
* * * *
Continuity is imagination’s fallacious delusion, over the mind-body’s sensory-born illusion.
The delusion fashioned by its intoxication with the vague perceptions,
The frame of reference, posted on its neuron trails.
It is the deception, the irony and paradox, of consciousness,
In its usurpation of the awareness, its usurpation of the timeless moment,
To seemingly fly through the eternal stillness, upon its magic carpet of space and time.
It is Shakespearian cuisine, upon a quantum stage, whereupon the mystery-born sentience, forges all.
* * * *
The world, the cosmos, the dreamtime,
You see, You hear, You taste, You smell, You feel,
Is but an ever-expanding frame of reference, You alone imagine.
* * * *
It only happened that way, because you perceived it that way.
And anyone else present perceived it in their way.
Every frame of reference is matchless.
All histories, minor to major, are but perspectives.
And is there anything forcing You to ponder anything ever again?
* * * *
Everything you – perceived, thought, believed, hoped, dreamed – happened, in any given moment,
Is entirely constructed by your lifetime’s accumulated nature-nurture frame-of-reference.
All the incalculable perceptions that your mind-body has wandered and retained.
And the reality is, that it can all, never be more, than a vague and ever-changing perception.
A large frame of reference may or may not save you from yourself.
* * * *
Every moment, your frame of reference expands.
* * * *
Every culture has its frame of reference.
* * * *
History is the distillation of current events, and the story teller’s frame of reference, and intention.
* * * *
Only the rare few willingly look at anything that does not suit their frame of reference.
* * * *
To expand one’s frame of reference to its infinite potential is a rare calling.
All imaginary notion to the contrary, You are not your frame of reference.
In creating this Sisyphean opus, mustered from a hard-earned frame of reference,
Every aphorism is given equal attention; each, gold-standard handcrafted,
To be read by somebody, someday, maybe, though probably not.
Don Quixote battling windmills is a fitting metaphor.
* * * *
I thank the gods every day for being born in the Rome of current times.
And also to have been born a peasant, free of the weight of political and religious dogma.
With enough of an education, enough of a frame of reference, enough of a mind-body, enough of a spirit,
To rationally observe the human paradigm play out, through many lenses, its endless absurdities.
* * * *
This is as earnest a work as this nature-nurture frame of reference can offer,
For whatever dystopian nightmare is coming at this once-upon-a-time immaculate garden.
If you can find something that suits the times better, sally forth,
But not into more absurdity, please.
* * * *
Sure, somebody else probably could have written it better,
But nobody else was willing to do it for nothing,
And had the frame of reference required.