Are we any more than recordings,
Playing our minds over and over and over again?
Try saying or doing something really outside your box, if you can.
No matter how great or small, profound or foolish,
Every frame of reference has a frame.
You see only what you perceive.
You see only what you know.
You see only what you believe.
Everyone is but a frame of reference.
Those capable of thinking outside their box, well know its every nook and cranny.
Every frame of reference inflates from one nature-nurture origin or another.
Every witness taps into the unknown,
With a filtered vision, an incomplete frame of reference.
And thus dogma, and its seemingly countless mischiefs, so often takes root.
Ever a cautionary tale.
Why be bound by the limitations,
Of the frame of reference of any other,
When You are truly beyond all.
Every mind its own shifting quagmire of heaven and hell,
Based on a frame of reference, ever born of imagination.
Any given universe is but a neurological array;
An indelible mystery, no matter how it is framed.
Every sage across the world, across time,
Integrates the language, the geographic assumptions,
The frame of reference, from which s/he hails.
So many ways to say the same thing.
What paradigm, what frame of reference, can ever encompass You?
At some point for many, if not all,
The mortal frame stops being as fun a place.
Replaced by a sense of endurance, tolerance, sufferance,
Forbearance, patience, acceptance, resignation. forbearance, acceptance.
Of resignation slathered in stoicism.
Who knows what incredible mysteries may reside,
On other worlds, in other dimensions, of this vast quantum matrix?
You must rely on your own frame of reference, to hypothesize all possibilities possible,
Yet how can any ever be anything but You, whatever the guise?
All translation must be observed with a dubious, discerning eye;
Especially the interpreter, the sorter, the filter, in your own inured mind.
Everything you perceive, translates through the biases of your frame of reference;
Entirely subjective, entirely slanted, entirely unique, entirely idiosyncratic, entirely alone.
Step back from your conditioning, and realize, from the dispassionate view of the quantum matrix,
That your entire existence, from womb to grave, is all nothing more than the huff and puff of imagination.
No mortal frame can be preserved in this ever-changing theater.
It, and the personality to which imagination is so attached,
Must inevitably, as all forms do, dissolve from the stage,
On which it has so sincerely, and with such passion, played.
How predictable it is for any given monkey-mind,
To disparage, to resent, to even hate,
The countless things,
Outside its finite frame of reference.
What someone said, what somewhat heard,
What are the odds that anyone, no matter how nimble,
Ever really entirely grasps any other’s frame of reference, spot on?
The you, you so earnestly imagine you are,
Is naught but a synergy of everyone and everything,
Ever compiled in your brief, very temporal frame of reference.
We all share the same awareness,
The same reverie of time and space,
Yet each and every one is utterly unique.
All frames of reference are relative,
Until what is seen is no more.
All judgment is absurd.
All our imaginary universes are built within frames of reference molded by experience.
Each of us can only see and hear and touch and taste and smell and feel,
What minds have been conditioned to discern and realize.
The ineffable mystery, is vessel for all.
The frame of reference, that bag of knowledge, that stew of perception,
Is but a phantasm of consciousness, a.k.a., imagination.
What you really are is prior to it all.
Discern it, and be as free as the moment allows.
No one is truly free in this mortal human paradigm.
Ultimately, all are bound by one frame of reference or another.
Bound by geography, culture, religion, language, gender, conditioning, events,
Capacities and limitations, ambition, opportunities, ad infinitum.
Like it or no, that is how the genetic lottery rolls.
Every mind imagines a world to which its nature-nurture,
Its capacities and limitations, its frame of reference, subscribes.
No one can be more or less than what the genetic lottery has allotted.
Any rubber band, no matter how elastic, can only stretch so far.
What is any history but what some storyteller’s imaginary frame of reference,
Coupled with the translation of your frame of reference.
Very dubious from the get-go.
What is any given mind but a set, a bag, an array, of programming.
A circulating loop of habituation, conditioning, brainwashing.
A frame of reference believing its thoughts real and true,
Its manufactured identity sacrosanct and enduring.