The Return to Wonder




Once you own any thought, any concept, any impression,

Once any perception is added to the dynamic of your frame of reference,

The insights it reveals, mix-and-match-new-and-unique,

Double-double-toil-and-trouble meld,

Into the witch’s brew of your paradigm stew.





The potential of concept is that the essence of many things can be clearly discerned

Without ever having to experience them in the first person

Once the frame of reference

Has the depth and breadth of an abundant life.





All frames of reference are bound by the limitations of imagination.




What are you in the world

But a temporal frame of reference,

A brief reckoning upon which your version

Of the universe rises and sets in eternity’s light show.


* * * *

You would probably laugh,

If a strain of bacteria in a petri dish,

Thought their jelly world was the core of all.

Is your sensory frame of reference,

Really all that different?





Those who read these thoughts, will find in them what they are prepared to see.

All will discern them differently according to their frame of reference.

Remember that they are only the filament of consciousness;

All fashioned by a matchless manifest perception.

All of which, are merely the mystery dreaming a dream real.





The other has the frame of reference you give it.





These many reflections are the way it is, as seen through this scribe’s frame of reference.

Many are of his view of the ineffable, while others sally willy-nilly here and there.

You may envision something entirely different, and that is your prerogative.

And in that, you are your truth, your life, your way, eye of all creation.

Our differences will ever be but delusions of the same mystery.





The world is filled with so many human beings,

Most of whom lack a far-sighted vision,

Of where their world is headed.

Eight billion-plus frames of reference.

So many in division and resistance and disintegration.

Competing, thieving, lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, killing.

Conquering and destroying in every conceivable manner.

The cancer of imagination chews its own paw,

In a destiny born of its own making.




How challenging to realize fully:

All judgments, meaningless;

All measurements, useless;

All differences, contrived;

All standards, fabricated;

All frames of reference, relative.

You are all, You are none, and all is one.





Every concept expands your frame of reference, but in the end, what good will all that filler be?





The knower discerns only a limited frame of reference.

Wisdom is the extrapolation of the distillation of experience.

Of consciousness, kaleidoscoping through the mystery of awareness.





Anytime a mythology is adopted, it is uniquely fashioned within each dreamy frame of reference.


* * * *

You never know what skills, what frame of reference, will be useful to your future.





Without the grace of insight, even an infinity of frames of reference, will not awaken the buddha nature.




Once you step outside,

Your first frame of reference,

No wall can ever stand firm again.




These thoughts are aimed at the heart of the matter.

Attached to no tradition, no frame of reference,

They are free of all time-bound assumptions.


* * * *

One’s creation is another’s destruction.

Every frame of reference has its persuasion.




How often a deep understanding of the motivation,

The line of thinking, the frame of reference,

Behind another’s vexing actions,

Softens, perhaps even dispels the judgment.





Anything can be translated accurately or inaccurately; frame of reference is all.


* * * *

Enlarge your world, enlarge your universe, enlarge your frame of reference,

Until all boundaries, all limits, fall away, and you are the grace of mystery.





With any interpretation, with any translation, with any paraphrase, with any summary,

How can one not alter, change, revise, amend, modify, lose, some meaning, some nuance?

Even with a common language, every mind is harbor to its own frame-of-reference rendition.





Some might call it insanity; others, a frame of reference given over to the mystery.




To rationalize this mystery, peoples across the world,

Fashion metaphorical tools from their frames of reference.

Pre-technological times formed metaphors grounded in nature.

The agents of these our modern times look to creations of the mind,

Grounded in all the trappings of so-called civilized existence.

It is off-the-rails anarchy, rooted in vanity and greed.


* * * *

Any given frame of reference is expanded with every experience.

To extrapolate into every frame of reference imaginable,

Takes one into the realm of the indivisible.





Ignorance comes in all shapes and sizes; intelligence crosses all frames and references.





A frame of reference, that is all-encompassing, is a bit challenging to define.





A frame reference so all-inclusive, as to make any boundary or difference, all but meaningless.





Who is not attached to the frame of reference, with which they are most familiar?





Within the stillness of space, how would time, how would direction, be known?

Without the manifestation of stardust, there can be no frame of reference,

To gain foothold in the endless whimsies of illusion and delusion.




None will ever have the same frame reference.

Every dream is unique in its snowflake indivisibility,

And the pretensions of imitation or collusion,

Only multiply the pangs of suffering.





The subtlety of words depends upon the potion they brew,

Within the mind of any given recipient’s frame of reference.




Different frames of reference,

Different capacities and limitations,

Differences of every sort,

Are that by which,

All life forms live and die.




Attaining heaven on earth,

Is merely bending one’s frame of reference,

Towards compassionate choices.





Journey as far and wide as you will across this universe,

It will ever be the same moment, the same indelible mystery.

No matter the guise, no matter the structure, no matter the passage.

No matter anything designed and maintained by the frame of reference.





Insanity is just a dysfunctional frame of reference, seeking balance in its own peculiar manner.





For you to grasp words of wisdom,

You must have, through the distillation of life experience,

Through the cultivation of a frame reference that encompasses and embraces the all,

Discerned the awareness, the inner light, that is your eternal birthright.





Whose existence does not appear somewhat egocentric or bizarre or insane,

When observed relatively by another, who does not judge all things,

From their frame of reference, from their version of normal.




True madness knows no boundaries.

A frame of reference beyond compare.


* * * *

Small frames of reference generally seem to make for narrow points of view.





Just scribing a vision: No worries, move on, if your frame of reference does not allow it.


* * * *

To fully hear any speaker, you must first be receptive to the frame of reference.


* * * *

Every frame of reference, no matter how large, discerns its boundaries.





Any translation is only as accurate as the frame of reference of the translator.







Th-Th-Th-That's All Folks!